微观经济学 第六章

第六章 生产



生产要素(factors of production)包含企业生产过程中必须使用的任何部分。投入品包含劳动、原材料、资本三大类。

生产函数(production function)描述的是每一特定的投入要素组合下企业的最大产出$q$。假定有两种投入要素:劳动($L$)和资本($K$),则$q=F(K,L)$。投入和产出都是流量。



劳动的平均产量(average product, $AP_L$)是每单位劳动投入的产出。$AP_L=q/L$

劳动的边际产量(marginal product of labor, $MP_L$)是增加一单位劳动所带来的产出增加量。$MP_L=dq/dL$


报酬递减规律(law of diminishing marginal returns)指的是当使用的某种投入要素增加(其他投入要素固定)时,最终必然会出现一点,在此之后产出下降。注意该规律适用于特定生产技术下的特定生产函数。

劳动生产率(labor productivity)是从某个行业或整个经济体系度量的劳动平均产量。劳动生产率决定了一个国家居民的真实生活水平。经济体系生产出的商品与劳务的总值等于对各种生产要素的支付,包括工资、资本租金、企业利润等,最终消费者以工资、薪酬、红利或者利息支付等形式得到这些要素支付。因此消费者在长期总体上可以通过增加产量来增加其消费。

劳动生产率的提高可以靠资本存量(stock of capital)和技术变迁(technological change)。


等产量线(isoquant)是由生产出同一产量的所有可能的投入要素组合形成的曲线。等产量线图(isoquant maps)将一些等产量线一起放在一张图中。

边际技术替代率(marginal rate of technical substitution, MRTS)指的是在保持产出不变的前提下,多投入一单位要素可以替代另一种要素减少的量。$MRTS=-dK/dL=MP_L/MP_K$



规模报酬(returns to scale)是所有投入要素同比例增加时,产出增加的比率。

规模报酬递增、不变、递减(increasing\constant\decreasing returns to scale)取决于$q(\lambda K,\lambda L)/\lambda q(K,L)$。



Q: You are an employer seeking to fill a vacant position on an assembly line. Are you more concerned with the average product of labor or the marginal product of labor for the last person hired? If you observe that your average product is just beginning to decline, should you hire any more workers? What does this situation imply about the marginal product of your last worker hired?

A: In filling a vacant position, you should be concerned with the marginal product of the last worker hired, because the marginal product measures the effect on output, or total product, of hiring another worker. This in turn determines the additional revenue generated by hiring another worker, which should then be compared to the cost of hiring the additional worker.
The point at which the average product begins to decline is the point where average product is equal to marginal product. As more workers are used beyond this point, both average product and marginal product decline. However, marginal product is still positive, so total product continues to increase. Thus, it may still be profitable to hire another worker.