1.1 微观经济学的主题
微观经济学: 经济学的分支,主要研究个体经济单位——消费者、厂商、工人和投资者的行为——以及由这些个体组成的市场本身的行为。
微观经济学有关于有限性(limits),即关于如何配置稀缺资源(the allocation of scarce resource)。
- 消费者:基于偏好,用有限的收入最大化福利,如何平衡现在消费和未来消费。
- 工人:是否,何时进入劳动力市场。大公司、小公司;立即工作、继续深造的平衡。
- 厂商:生产什么、生产多少;是否增加工人、新建分厂。
- 实证分析(positive analysis)主要是微观经济学的核心。理论被用来解释现象、得到观察事实的检验、构造模型并通过模型进行预测。是描述因果关系的分析。
- 规范分析(normative analysis)主要是解释“应该如何”一类问题的分析,比如“什么才是最好的”。不仅涉及不同政策的选择,还包括特定政策的设计。经常与价值判断相联系,要在公平和效率间进行权衡。
1.2 市场
市场界定(market definition)是指确定一个特定的市场应该包括哪些买者和卖者,以及产品范围。
完全竞争市场(perfectly competitive market)有许多买者和卖者的市场,没有任何买者或卖者能够影响价格。有些市场虽然只有几个生产者,也可以认为是竞争性市场。
市场价格(market price)是竞争性市场中通行的价格。不完全竞争市场中不同的厂商可以对同样的产品制定不同的价格。
市场范围(extent of a market)是市场的边界,既包括地理的边界,又包括就产品范围而言的边界。
- 公司必须清楚其产品存在的实际或潜在竞争者,以及所在市场的产品边界和地理边界,从而制定价格,广告预算,做出投资决策。
- 公共政策制定需要明确市场界定,例如对于兼并行为的态度。
1.3 实际价格与名义价格
名义价格(nominal price):未经通货膨胀调整的绝对价格。
实际价格(real price):一种按照总体价格指标衡量的价格,即经过通胀调整后的价格。
消费者价格指数(Consumer Price Index, CPI):记录消费者从市场上购买一篮子商品的价格水平的指标。
生产者价格指数(Producer Price Index, PPI):衡量半成品和批发品的总体价格水平的指标。
1.4 练习
- Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) Price Index is the Fed’s preferred inflation measure.
- T or F?
- Q. Fast food chains like McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s operate all over the United States. Therefore the market for fast food is a national market.
- A. This statement is false. People generally buy fast food locally and do not travel large distances across the United States just to buy a cheaper fast food meal. Because there is little potential for arbitrage between fast food restaurants that are located some distance from each other, there are likely to be multiple fast food markets across the country.
- Q. People generally buy clothing in the city in which they live. Therefore there is a clothing market in, say, Atlanta that is distinct from the clothing market in Los Angeles.
- A. This statement is false. Although consumers are unlikely to travel across the country to buy clothing, they can purchase many items online. In this way, clothing retailers in different cities compete with each other and with online stores such as L.L. Bean. Also, suppliers can easily move clothing from one part of the country to another. Thus, if clothing is more expensive in Atlanta than Los Angeles, clothing companies can shift supplies to Atlanta, which would reduce the price in Atlanta. Occasionally, there may be a market for a specific clothing item in a faraway market that results in a great opportunity for arbitrage, such as the market for blue jeans in the old Soviet Union.
- Exercises for translation between real price and nominal price is trivial.