kalman filter

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State Space Representation

state equation

where $x_k$ is the state vector, $u_k$ is the known input vector, $v_k$ is the unknown zero mean white process noise with covariance $E[v_k v_k’] = Q_k$

measurement equation

where $w_k$ is the unknown zero mean white measurement noise with known covariance $E[w_k w_k’] = R_k$


consider an object falling under a constant gravitational field. Let $y(t)$ denote the height of the object. Then

we can define the state as $x_k = [y(t), \dot y(t)]’$, and then

Assuming we observe the height of the ball directly. The measurement equation is

State Estimation

The estimates of the state:

  • $\hat x_{k|k}$ :estimate of $x_k$ given measurements $z_k, z_{k-1},…$
  • $\hat x_{k+1|k}$ :estimate of $x_{k+1}$ given measurements $z_k, z_{k-1},…$

The error covariance matrix of the state estimate:

  • $P_{k|k}$ :covariance of $x_k$ given $z_k, z_{k-1},…$
  • $P_{k+1|k}$ :covariance of $x_{k+1}$ given $z_k, z_{k-1},…$
State Estimation
  1. we know $\hat x_{k|k},u_k,P_{k|k}$ and the new measurement $z_{k+1}$.
  2. state prediction $\hat x_{k+1|k}=F_k \hat x_{k|k} + G_k u_k$
  3. measurement prediction $\hat z_{k+1|k} = H_k \hat x_{k+1|k}$
  4. measurement residual $v_{k+1} = z_{k+1} - \hat z_{k+1|k}$
  5. updated state estimate $\hat x_{k+1|k+1}=\hat x_{k+1|k} + W_{k+1}v_{k+1}$, where $W_{k+1}$ is called the Kalman Gain defined below.
State Covariance Estimate
  1. state prediction covariance $P_{k+1|k} = F_k P_{k|k} F_k’ + Q_k$
  2. measurement prediction covariance $S_{k+1} = H_{k+1} P_{k+1|k}H_{k+1}’ + R_{k+1}$
  3. filer kalman gain $W_{k+1} = P_{k+1|k} H_{k+1}’ S_{k+1}^{-1}$
  4. updated state covariance $P_{k+1|k+1} = P_{k+1|k} - W_{k+1} S_{k+1} W_{k+1}’$

This process is independent of state, can be performed offline and given by:

This is the Riccati equation and can be obtained from the Kalman filter equations above.